22% - An Exploration into the Pinelands National Reserve - Virtual Gallery
The Pinelands National Reserve in New Jersey is the Nation’s first natural reserve and encompasses approximately 22% of the state. This covers about 1.1 million acres of forests, farms, wetlands, bogs, swamps, and even some coastline. The landscape here is astoundingly unique and the wildlife follows suit with 100+ threatened or endangered species living within its borders. My intent is to capture the beauty of the Pinelands as well as spread knowledge and respect for the Reserve. This gallery, running from December 20th, 2019 until January 20th, 2020 was a cumulation of my adventures in the pines. After hiking over 100 miles and spending countless hours amongst the trees, I concluded that the pines are one of Americas unsung gems. This exhibition was a precursor to my book that will be released late August – early September of 2020. A Whirlwind Guide to the Pinelands National Reserve will be an all-inclusive guide to the pines including flora, fauna, and where to go to see what and when. I want to give a big thanks to the people that helped me make this happen and my sponsors, The Arts Guild New Jersey, The Dime - Art and Maker Studios, Shades of Paper, and Instinct Graphics. Take yourself on a virtual tour of the gallery and enjoy!